The Game That Facebook Plays With Your Content


The average Facebook user has no idea how Facebook really works when it comes to the content that the post. Facebook is a business! While it’s free for users to join and share content with their friends, family and colleagues, Facebook actually makes its money by advertising to its users. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a simple model. You can use the service for free and the only price you pay is seeing ads (unless you have an ad blocker). Yes it would be fine if it stopped here, but it doesn’t.

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Great Tripod for those times when you can’t use a Tripod


If you’re a photographer either you have already run into this or you will soon. You will run into the Tripod Police. These are the security guards at various locations that are employed to make sure that you take crappy shots. Yep, they wake up each day saying “whose shot can I ruin today?” I’m kidding of course, but there are definitely locations where tripods are prohibited for “safety” reasons. They don’t want someone tripping, falling and suing based on your tripod legs. Unfortunately these are usually the locations where you really want to use a tripod so that you can do a long exposure or shoot bracketed for HDR. If only there was a solution…

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Improve your smartphone video recording with the BEST 3 axis gimbal


A good video has great light and good sound. A great video is short, great content, good light, good sound AND STEADY. A shaky unstabilized video may cause your viewers to stop watching for fear of getting motion sickness. While smartphones can capture great video quality these days, the small form factor is hard to hold steady if you are moving or walking. The iPhone 6s Plus can shoot stabilized video and I can stabilize it in post with Adobe Premiere Pro CC. However, if you’re walking your video may be so shaky that the stabilization methods above may not be enough. That’s where a gimbal comes in…

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Apple TV 4th Generation Review



I’ve been an Apple TV user since the first model and have owned each one. The 3rd generation (1080p) model definitely became one of my favorite gadgets of all time. I not only used it for iTunes movie rentals and TV shows, but also largely to stream my own content from my own movie library. Apple TV is also great to be able to stream just about anything from your iPhone or iPad. I mirror my iPhone often to watch things like Periscope broadcasts on the big screen. It has been rumored for a long time that Apple was coming out with a “TV” and I never put a lot of faith in those rumors because I simply didn’t see what Apple could bring to the table that would make consumers want to take their existing TV’s off the wall and put up an Apple TV. It’s much smarter to make a box that connects to the TV of your choice and get all that Apple has to offer that way. The 3rd generation Apple TV was getting long in the tooth, but via all the software updates along the way it has really become a nice little full-featured box. So what could Apple do with the 4th Generation Apple TV?

My initial setup didn’t go as smoothly as I thought it would

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Join me Monday 11/2 for a Mega Giveaway


To kick off my visit next week to Kelby Media Group for meetings, on Monday I’m participating in a HUGE Periscope LIVE Broadcast and GIVEAWAY! That’s right myself, Aaron Roth from Arkon Mounts, Scott Kelby Kim Garst, Larry Becker, R.C. Concepcion, Victoria Pavlov and Ajna Adams will all be broadcasting to our respective audiences on Periscope and Facebook simultaneously. We will each be giving away at least one TW Broadcaster RM179 and other cool prizes.

How to Win!

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Take Your Periscope Broadcasts to the Next Level with This Gear


I’ve been getting into LIVE Broadcasting more and more over the past few months as things like Periscope, Live via Facbook Mentions and Twitch.TV continue to gain popularity. I put this page together to help my fellow live mobile broadcasters with gear recommendations to make your broadcasts better. As new gear comes out I’ll continue to update the page. To visit this page in the future point your browser to Be sure to follow me on Periscope for tips and tricks and more.

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