Chamberlain Smartphone Controlled Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener with Battery Backup Review


Continuing my Smart Home Product Review Week it’s time to talk about the smartest garage door opener I’ve ever seen and it’s by Chamberlain. When I moved into my new home one of the things that wasn’t included was the two garage door openers I’d need. I thought this was a weird item not to include, but when I saw the price that the builder wanted to install theirs, I decided to just go get my own. This was another one of those things that I hadn’t had to shop for in over 25 years. I hadn’t realized how far they’ve come. The first option I noticed was a battery backup and I definitely wanted that. There had been times where storms had taken out the power in my studio (10′ door) and that while I could get up on a ladder and use the manual release to raise the door, it just wasn’t worth it. My car remained trapped until the power came back on. Having a battery backup means that the garage door opener will still work even if the house loses power.

Chamberlain Smartphone Controlled Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener offers everything in one box

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Lutron Caséta Wireless Lighting Control Review


It’s Day 3 of my Smart Home product review week and now it’s time to talk about wireless lighting and shade controls. Once again I wanted something that would be Apple HomeKit compatible and my search led me to the Lutron Caséta system. This is not my first wireless lighting system. As a matter of fact I go all the way back to the Radio Shack X10 system (remember those?) Thankfully things have gotten a lot better in the last 25-30 years and now you not only get in-home wireless control but you also get the ability to control your lights and shades from (yep you guessed it) anywhere in the world from your smartphone.

I started with the Lutron Caseta Wireless Smart Lighting Plug-In Lamp Dimmer Kit

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Ring Video Doorbell Pro Review

ring video doorbell pro bronze

Picking up where I left off yesterday with my new smart home gadget reviews, let’s talk about the Ring Video Doorbell Pro. I have always liked having a camera that can show me who is at my front door and if I have any packages sitting there? I checked with my alarm provider and while they do offer outdoor cameras, they actually suggested that I go with a Ring Video Doorbell instead. I had never heard of Ring before and when I went to check them out the reviews on Amazon weren’t great. However, after reading a few of them I realized that most of the criticism was in comparing the newer “Pro” model to the standard model. I ended up going with the Pro model for a couple of reasons. For one and probably the main reason is that the Ring Video Doorbell Pro is simply not as wide as the standard version. The Pro model is a perfect fit for my doorbell area and the standard model would have been too wide. The Pro does 1080p vs. 720p and also can connect to the less crowded 5GHz Wi-Fi spectrum. Those were enough reasons to push me up to the Pro model. While the standard model can work with an existing doorbell (replace yours with this one) or no existing doorbell, the Pro only works where you have a wired doorbell.

See and Talk to Anyone At Your Door from Anywhere in the World

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Ecobee 3 Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat Review


I know it’s been a while since I’ve done gadget reviews here. However, I’ve just moved into a new home and for the first time in several years I’ve been looking at and buying smart home gadgets. I must admit that the amount of choices out there now are quite daunting. Even if you find the right gadget based upon the feature set that you’re looking for you also have also decide which platform to go with. Platform?

smart home platforms

Yes, just like you decide to go with iOS or Android, Mac or Windows, etc, your smart home gadgets work together based on alliances and partnerships. For example, I was pretty sure that I would go with a Nest thermostat. I had been looking at them for years. I liked the design. Nest even acquired Dropcam, the company I was using for all my wifi cameras. However, somewhere along the way Nest was acquired by Google. That acquisition put them at odds with Apple. I have nothing against Google or the Android platform, but all of my mobile devices are iOS based. Therefore I wanted to go with devices that work with Apple’s HomeKit platform.

The Ecobee 3 Remote Sensor Advantage

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What I’m Teaching At Photoshop World 2016

Photoshop World Instructors

It’s almost time for one my favorite Adobe conferences of the year! Yep, Photoshop World is just around the corner and as usual I’ve got more than a few classes. For those of you who have never been to Photoshop World, you should definitely check it out at least once in your life. You are pretty much guaranteed to walk away knowing a lot more about Photoshop and the rest of the Adobe Creative Cloud products and services. This year’s conference takes place July 19-21 in Las Vegas NV. As a matter of fact, this is the last week to save $100 (register before June 10th here).

This year I’ll be teaching:

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Hey! That’s Me Featured On ABC’s The List Show TV

Woot! That’s me on The List Show TV (not the Wookie LOL):

Every now and then I get a request to do an interview. Usually it’s for blogs, podcasts and printed publications. Every now and then I get one that turns out to be a little bigger than I expected. ABC Network’s “The List Show TV” contacted me to do a quick interview and get my thoughts on mobile Live Streaming. In particular they noticed my use of Facebook Live. I did the interview via Skype and kinda forgot about it. Last night one of my cousins posted a congratulations on Facebook and I was like “what are you talking about?” I went looking for the show online as I don’t think it airs here locally in Atlanta. Low and behold, there it was on their YouTube channel! It’s always an honor when publications and media outlets reach out to me for my opinions. This one had the added cool factor that it was actually on TV too! Continue reading “Hey! That’s Me Featured On ABC’s The List Show TV”

Learn Adobe Lightroom CC in my FREE 8 Part Class

Lightroom CC

Last week I kicked off my Creative Cloud Learning Stream – “Introduction to Adobe Lightroom CC”. This FREE 8 Part class takes place LIVE on every Tuesday (yes tomorrow) and Friday at 11AM-12 noon EDT (Time Zone Converter). By the end of the 8 sessions you should have a great understanding of how Lightroom works and and how to use it to manage and adjust your images.

What if I missed Lightroom CC parts one and two?

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Save Your Periscope Broadcasts Beyond 24 Hours?

BREAKING – Periscope is picking up where left off (as I predicted they would) with a public beta feature. Just put #save in your scope title to save broadcasts beyond 24 hours! No need for an app update. 

While this does take away from the precious characters we have for titles it is very welcomed! Hopefully it will be integrated into the Start Broadcast button in the future.

Facebook Live from my Desktop


Facebook just up’d the ante for Live Streaming by releasing a developer API for their Live Streaming feature. This means that any developer can now take advantage of this by adding Live Streaming to their Apps or Devices. One of the first companies to take advantage of this is Telestream. Telestream makes my favorite screen recording software (Screenflow) and they make a professional level streaming application called Wirecast. Wirecast 6.0.7 came out on the same day and allows you to add Facebook Live as a streaming option.


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Live Streaming from a DSLR Point of View


Live Streaming from a DSLR Point of View

Live streaming is becoming more and more popular and whether or not you’re live streaming your photo shoots or just wanting to create a behind the scenes video, your DLSR has the best view. Let’s face it. Your DSLR is pointed at the subject and has the best point of view. Sure, you can mount your smartphone or video camera on a stand/tripod to capture the “set”, but your DSLR is always going to be focused on the action!

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