Dealing With The Death of a Loved One in This Digital Age

Edmond T. White

No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for the death of a loved one, you’re never truly prepared for it. This past weekend my 86 year old father passed away. He lived a long and good life and of course I never thought that he would live forever. I knew that one day I would get “that call.” That call came Friday evening from my sister…

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GoPro and Periscope Sittin’ in a Tree…

Periscope GoPro camera

If you’re into Live Streaming (if not you should think about it), then you’ve heard of Twitter’s mobile App called Periscope. Periscope launched last March 2015 and already has over 25 million users. That’s huge! Until yesterday you could only broadcast using the camera on an iOS or Android device. For the casual scope (broadcast) that’s fine, but if you wanted to show something big or with a lot of action, your smart device’s camera may not always be best. We hoped that Periscope would open the doors to other cameras and it has started…

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Terry White Live: The Lightroom and Photoshop CC Show Ep 14, 15 & 16

Terry White Live: The Lightroom and Photoshop CC Show

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. Here are the latest episodes from my NEW show on – Terry White Live: The Lightroom and Photoshop CC Show. In Episode 14 I was live answering YOUR questions about Photoshop and Lightroom with an FAQ. In Episode 15 I did a Throwback Tuesday where I went through many of the new features added to Photoshop CC since 2013 (the release after CS6). It was a big hit and I’m thinking of doing it regularly for other CC products. We often overlook or forget about features that we don’t use everyday. In Episode 16 I did what many of you have been asking for…

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What I Learned at Periscope Summit 2016

Terry White Scope Gear Master Class

I feel like a pioneer when it comes to Periscope. I did my first broadcast on March 27th, 2015 which was one day after the app became available. I’ve done 249 broadcasts to date. I’ve also learned a LOT about live streaming in general. When the folks over at Periscope Summit asked me to speak I was both excited and honored as I have a lot to say on the subject, platform and app. I live stream on a regular basis for work and personally. So what could I possibly learn at Periscope Summit?

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5 Things I Learned at CES 2016

CES 2016

I’ve been into gadgets and technology since I was a kid. Yet believe it or not CES 2016 was my 1st CES (Consumer Electronics Show). It was always something that I said, “I’m going to the next one!” and then it would always sneak up on me and be too late to plan a trip. Well this time I made plans early and took off work to go. I expected a gigantic tradeshow with lots of cool gear to look at, but what I actually got was a little different…

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Yes Even You Can Accept Apple Pay and Android Pay

Square Chip Reader Apple Pay

I predict that 2016 will be the year of contactless payments. Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay will continue to grow in adoption. This is largely due to the fact that here in the US most merchants must upgrade their point of sale terminals to accept “chip (EMV)” based credit cards. While they are in the process of doing that, those new terminals will also be able to accept NFC Contactless Payments. That’s GREAT! What about the little guy? The mom and pop shops that don’t have a brick and mortar location. The dog walker, baby sitter, fitness trainer, bake sale, users group, mechanic, lawn service, photographer,  housekeeper, consultant, tutor, makeup artist, hair stylist, yard sale, etc. can now join in on this revolution thanks to…

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5 Things Apple Got Right and The 5 Things They Got Wrong in 2015


I’ve been a user and fan of Apple products since the first Macintosh in 1984. However, as fan I also recognize that one of my favorite companies in the tech world doesn’t get everything right every time. It’s a company of humans! Anytime you praise or criticize anything Apple, people come out of the woodwork to either chime in in agreement or tell you how much of an idiot you are. It’s also hard to criticize the richest company in the world. After all, they are a business that continues to make billions of a dollars every year, so who am I to judge? I’m a customer….

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Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year 2016

I wanted to take this moment to wish you and yours a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! May you stick to all your New Year’s Resolutions and may 2016 be better than 2015.

Looking forward to exciting things in the tech world this year. Thanks for your support!

Terry White