I think it was this past Friday that I noticed my YouTube channel surpassed the 40 thousand subscriber mark and over 11 million views. Woohoo!
However, that’s when I decided to take a look at my Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast stats and I was both thrilled and blown away to see that it has surpassed the 25 million download mark! I’m happy to know that so many of you find my content of value and continue to watch/download my videos. Thanks for your continued support!
Still in the top 10 of the Software How-To podcasts on iTunes.
Are you missing out on my Bonus Content?
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. Most episodes have a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App! My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version on the Amazon App Store:
Terry, what are you using to track your iTunes downloads?
My host libsyn.com provides those stats.
Terry, that’s amazing. Congrats! Also, you were the guy who got me over to Crash Plan and taught me about O.W.C. drives. (I’m pretty sure that was you anyways?!) Been really happy with Crash Plan up until the last two files I’ve had to restore, which took about 18 days combined to get a ‘fix’ which was an issue on their end both times. And different issues both times. So I’ve been disappointed, highly, & lost an order which would have more than paid for many a O.W.C. external drive and many a terabyte as well.. it was embarrassing and made me look bad that a. My computer crashed, b. The original images were on the 1.5 TB drive which crashed, and c. Crash Plan – the back up copy wasnt accessible either. So another forced learning experience which proved to be quite costly monetarily, many hours of diagnosing repair & repair, and worst of all made me look like I still have training wheels on my digital life. So, yeah, you’ve made an extraordinary amount of selfless contributions to those of us who haven’t a clue & helping us fine tuning those other clues we already have! You are amazing Terry, and, I will continue forwarding articles and casts… Thanks again!
The numbers say it all. Congratulations Terry. We love you. …. From Australia
Hi Terry, love your app currently learning how to use Muse.. I’ve noticed that you can’t categorize the app by software, of course you can do a search and type in illustrator and get all the illustrator videos but its a little tedious and I would get lost easily and would have to type it every single time, just a suggestion would be great if you can catergorious by software and maybe a little hint to tell me that I’ve already watched that video.
I’ll bring it up to the dev. Each episode is already categorized, so it shouldn’t be too hard to provide a pop-up to chose the categories you want. The episodes do dim (I know it’s hard to see) after you watch them.
Hi Terry,
Just a quick question.
Can you update your app to watch the videos in high resolution like we did on youtube?
I already sent an email to the support from your app and they say that there is no plan to do that.
Any thought?
Thank you
Hi Lex, thanks! I’ve been looking for a way to provide both a standard def and HD version. I can’t do HD only because of the low bandwidth that many of my users have around the globe. I’ll keep looking for a solution.
Thank you for you reply Terry. Maybe you can put an entry in the settings where we can choose hi-def 720p or standard-def (marked as default). Just my 2 cents.
Have a nice day.
Hopefully I can work that out in an upcoming update.