It was 25 Years ago today that I joined Adobe. I prepared a visual look back at my journey here:

Join me for a live interview and celebration Monday, July 26 at 2PM ET:
Continue reading “It was 25 years ago today that I joined Adobe”It was 25 Years ago today that I joined Adobe. I prepared a visual look back at my journey here:
Join me for a live interview and celebration Monday, July 26 at 2PM ET:
Continue reading “It was 25 years ago today that I joined Adobe”I have a LOT to be thankful for and one of the things that I’m most thankful for is the overwhelming amount of support that I receive from my readers and fans. Enjoy time with your friends and family.
If you get into the whole holiday shopping thing be sure to come back tomorrow to take a peek at some hand picked Black Friday Gadget/Tech Deals. I would ask that you not give in to the desires of retailers today and not go shopping on Thanksgiving. Black Friday is starting to become Black October and November and there’s really no reason that the deals can’t wait until Friday.
Otherwise, enjoy! I’m looking forward to the long weekend.
Wow! I just realized that I hit 250,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. If you’re one of those quarter million subscribers then I want to say THANK YOU. It certainly helps me stay motivated to continue creating new content.
I feel honored to have so many people watching my videos and using them to learn about new products and learn about design and photography.
It was only 18 months ago that I celebrated 125,000 YouTube subscribers. The growth has been phenomenal. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so here.
Wow! I just checked my YouTube views and noticed that I have passed the 20 Million View mark! I wanted to take a few moments to thank all my viewers and supporters. Whenever I’m out at an event, conference or on tour so many of you make it a point to come up to me and thank me for my videos or to tell me how my videos have taught you various things. This of course encourages me to do more and to continue doing what I do.
I also noticed that I now have over 180,000 subscribers to my channel. It seems like it was just yesterday when I received the plaque above recognizing me for surpassing the 100,000 subscriber mark. I expect to hit the 200,000 subscriber mark some time around the beginning of 2015.
Thank you guys so much!
As much as I love doing my videos, believe it or not the hardest thing to come up with is new topics. More often than not I dismiss a topic that pops in my head because I think “everyone already knows that.” However, when I actually do go ahead and record it anyway it’s usually a hit. So please sound off in the comments about which upcoming topics you’d like to see videos on. Now before you jump in and start suggesting things, keep in mind that I (nor does anyone else), know everything or every product. So asking for a Dreamweaver topic or an After Effects (beyond the basics) topic probably won’t happen. It would be like me asking you to record a video on open heart surgery (unless of course you are a surgeon). I primarily focus on Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe Muse and Lightroom. I dabble in Premiere Pro and a little After Effects. Now that we have that out of the way, feel free to tell me what you’d like to see:
P.S. If you haven’t subscribed to my channel yet, please do so today! Let’s hit that 200,000 subscriber mark by Christmas 🙂
A new easier to remember URL
I almost forgot that I setup an easy to remember URL that will take you straight to my videos. Just head over to terrywhite.tv
I just wanted to take a moment to thank my 125,000+ YouTube subscribers. I just received this award/recognition from Google and I’m quite honored. I couldn’t have done it without you. Also thanks goes out to so many of you who take the time to come up to me at conferences to thank me for my content as well as the shoutouts on social media and my blog. More content to come!
Subscribe here if you’re not already a subscriber.
Thanks again!
I just looked at my YouTube Channel and I was thrilled to see that I passed the 100,000 subscriber mark! I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for not only watching my content, but subscribing to my channel. At every event I do and public appearance I make there are always people coming up to me and thanking me for the videos that I do. Without your constant support I probably wouldn’t be as motivated to put out so much content. So again thank you! I’m on tour right now so I’ve been away from my recording studio, but as soon as I get back this weekend I promise to record a new tutorial or two. Cheers!
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to all who attended my Adobe Create Now World Tour event in NYC last night at the NY InDesign Users Group Meeting. Thank you for attending the event and making me feel welcomed!
A packed house, great crowd and great facility!
Thanks Sandee Cohen for taking this shot and tweeting it.
If you live in the NYC area and you’re into InDesign I can’t think of a better group of people that you should get to know and get involved with. Join your local InDesign Users Group here.
I look forward to seeing you tonight in New Jersey or on one of my upcoming Create Now Tour stops.
I think it was this past Friday that I noticed my YouTube channel surpassed the 40 thousand subscriber mark and over 11 million views. Woohoo!
However, that’s when I decided to take a look at my Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast stats and I was both thrilled and blown away to see that it has surpassed the 25 million download mark! I’m happy to know that so many of you find my content of value and continue to watch/download my videos. Thanks for your continued support!
Still in the top 10 of the Software How-To podcasts on iTunes.
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. Most episodes have a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App! My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version on the Amazon App Store:
I enjoy blogging and had another great year last year. While I do follow my stats pretty closely, I just discovered this “Annual Report” that WordPress.com automatically put together for my site and decided to share it with my readers. After all this blog wouldn’t really be here if it weren’t for you guys.
Thanks for your continued support and I hope to make 2013 even better.
I have a LOT to be thankful for and one of the things that I’m most thankful for is the overwhelming amount of support that I receive from my readers and fans. Enjoy time with your friends and family.
If you get into the whole holiday shopping thing be sure to come back tomorrow to take a peek at some hand picked Black Friday Gadget/Tech Deals.
Also don’t forget “Small Business Saturday” this year and make an effort to support small local businesses in your community this Saturday.
Otherwise, enjoy! I’m looking forward to the long weekend.