That’s right folks! The June 2016 Update to Adobe Creative Cloud is here and I’m going to be going over many of the updates including the ones to Photoshop CC 2015.5 and more, LIVE on my Twitch stream TODAY! Join me live at 10AM – 12 Noon EDT on for a first look. In case you can’t make it to the LIVE show, I’ll have more on my YouTube channel later today and if you just can’t wait, check out Victoria Pavlov’s video on the NEW Face Aware Liquify feature (one of my favorite new features):
How To Get Free Add-Ons for Photoshop CC, Muse CC and more
In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows how to get FREE Add-Ons for your favorite Adobe Creative Cloud products such as Photoshop CC, Adobe Muse CC and more.
Are you missing out on my Bonus Content?
See more of my Adobe Creative Cloud Videos on my Adobe Creative Cloud TV and get the App below. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version on the Amazon App Store:
What I’m Teaching Next Week at Photoshop World Vegas

Let’s do it again. Time for me to head to Photoshop World West, which takes place this week in Las Vegas Nevada. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there and I’ve got some new classes on tap that I’m excited about. I’ll be teaching two classes on the conference track. The 1st is my usual “Intro to InDesign” and I’m doing a new class on my “Lightroom Workflow from Start to Finish”. I’m also doing a new class that is being added as we speak called “Easy Website Creation”, which is focused around Adobe Muse CC and as usual I’ll be in the Adobe booth from time to time giving sessions on Creative Cloud (Wednesday thru Friday). Based on the huge success of my “How To Create Websites with Adobe Muse” from the Orlando show, they’re repeating it this year again on the show flow in the Kelby Theater on Thursday at 4PM.
I’ll also be in the Westcott booth from time to time. So I’ve got a pretty packed schedule, but it’s one of the few conferences each year that I really really look forward to. Be sure to stop by and say hello. Also be sure to grab the newly redesigned Photoshop World iOS App for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch complete with iCloud syncing.
Continue reading “What I’m Teaching Next Week at Photoshop World Vegas”
Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers: How To Publish Web Galleries from Lightroom to Creative Cloud
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast, Terry White shows photographers how they can take advantage of their Adobe Creative Cloud Memberships and the hosting included to publish Web Galleries directly from Lightroom 4.
Are you missing out on my Bonus Content?
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App below. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. This episode has a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App! My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version on the Amazon App Store:
What’s New In Adobe Muse 8/21/12 Update?
Delivering on the promise of Creative Cloud and subscriptions Adobe has released a major feature update to Adobe Muse in just 3 months after its initial 1.0 release. This update brings many of the most requested features to Muse without having to wait for the typical 12-18-24 month cycle. Creative Cloud Members and Muse Subscribers will simply be able to click update the Adobe Application Manager or from launching Muse to get these new features.
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast Terry White shows the main new features in the Adobe Muse 2.0 update:
- Align Panel and Ruler Guides
- Asset Upload (link to external files)
- Contact Forms
- Drag & Drop Styles
- FTP Upload (for non-Adobe hosting)
- Adobe Edge Integration (place Edge HTML5 animations directly into Muse 2.0)
- Sitemap.xml (for non-Adobe hosting
- Adobe Muse 2.0 now generates CSS for gradients, shadows and glows instead of images.
- More optimized code
- Japanese Language support
- Several UI tweaks, better font handling and bug fixes
Also be sure to check out Edge Animate 7
Edge Animate preview 7 is here! This is a huge update with new resizable layouts, rulers and guides, shadows, enhanced text editing, timeline grid and SO much more. Download it now! Download it here.
Do you have my App?
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here.
How To Create Photo Slideshows for Your Website With Adobe Muse
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast Terry White shows How to Create A Photo Slideshow For Your Website With Adobe Muse. Whether you’re a photographer or just someone who wants to put a photo gallery on the web, it couldn’t be easier than the steps you’ll see in this tutorial.
Are you missing out on my Bonus Content?
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. This episode has a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App! My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version:
Watch the Replay of my Adobe CS6 & Creative Cloud for Designers Seminar in My App
As a way of saying Thank You and as an added perk for those of you using my “Learn the Adobe Creative Suite with Terry White” app, I’ve made the recording of my Adobe Creative Cloud and CS6 for Designers Webinar yesterday, available to you ahead of the rest of the world.
Watch Terry White, Adobe Worldwide Design Evangelist, to see Adobe Creative Cloud and the new features in Creative Suite 6 in action. Learn how you can create at lightning speed thanks to new performance engines in Photoshop Extended and Illustrator. See how to quickly create multiple layouts from a single set of content in Adobe InDesign CS6. And discover Adobe Muse, for designing HTML websites without writing code including 400+ web fonts served by Typekit that make it a breeze to include distinctive typography in your site design.
This presentation will go live on my podcast, YouTube and Adobe TV sometime next week for everyone else.
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version:
How To Get Started Building Websites with Adobe Muse (codename)
Get the Muse (code name) beta here as a FREE download.
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Podcast, I’ll show you How To Get Started Building Websites With Adobe Muse (codename). See just how easy it is to build your own website within minutes and without having to write code.
Are you missing out on my Bonus Content?
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. This episode has a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App! My iOS App is a Universal App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. I also have an Android version: