Woot! That’s me on The List Show TV (not the Wookie LOL):
Every now and then I get a request to do an interview. Usually it’s for blogs, podcasts and printed publications. Every now and then I get one that turns out to be a little bigger than I expected. ABC Network’s “The List Show TV” contacted me to do a quick interview and get my thoughts on mobile Live Streaming. In particular they noticed my use of Facebook Live. I did the interview via Skype and kinda forgot about it. Last night one of my cousins posted a congratulations on Facebook and I was like “what are you talking about?” I went looking for the show online as I don’t think it airs here locally in Atlanta. Low and behold, there it was on their YouTube channel! It’s always an honor when publications and media outlets reach out to me for my opinions. This one had the added cool factor that it was actually on TV too!
My Facebook Live Tutorial Featured on The List Show TV
The actual video that they used during the above segment was from my YouTube tutorial on “How to Live Stream Video on Facebook”. When I recorded this video it was basically to help people discover the relatively NEW ability to Live Stream on Facebook from a smartphone/tablet. Since that time though, Facebook has really stepped up their game by creating an API and allowing others to tap in and use their Live Streaming platform from other devices and applications.
This has really up’d the ante for the competition and the competition just keeps on coming. Twitter’s Periscope definitely paved the way for mobile live streaming, but now with Facebook getting in in a big way and YouTube coming out with their own app, things are about to get better for all of us. It seems like every time I turn around, their’s a NEW Live Streaming app hitting the market.