Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to take a moment and share some exciting news (well exciting for me anyway), my Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast has just hit another major milestone! I just passed the 20 Million Download mark. That's right! My videos have been downloaded over 20 Million Times! Woohoo! I want to thank everyone who has subscribed, watched, downloaded, tweeted about and come up and thanked me for my podcast episodes in the past!
While reaching the 20 Million Mark is great, I'm even happier that my podcast is and has been in the Top 10 of ALL Software How-To Podcasts on the iTunes Store for 4 years straight.
Back on April 14th 2011 I announced the long awaited "Learn The Adobe Creative Suite with Terry White" App had been updated to be a Universal iOS App, which means that you now get to see the videos in all the iPad 10" glory without having to screen double them. The App is now available on the App Store and is of course a FREE update to anyone who already had it.
If you're new to the App, the advantage here my regular podcast is that many of the episodes have Exclusive Bonus Clips. These clips can only be seen in the App and aren't published anywhere else. Often the Bonus Content includes additional tips and techniques or expands in an area where the regular episode left off. On the iPad these Bonus Clips are highlighted right below the regular episode so you'll more easily be able to identify the episodes that have Bonus Content.
There are literally hundreds of videos available on the various Creative Suite Apps all the way back to CS2. Thankfully the App has a built-in Search feature as well as the ability to Star your favorite episodes and download the ones you want to be able to watch offline.
I want to personally thank you for your support in my podcast as well as my App!
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here for $1.99:
[slickr-flickr tag=”Australia” type=”slideshow” delay=”6″ items=”33″ size=”large” width=”650″ height=”488″ border=”on”]
I'm still trying out different methods of posting multiple images to my blog. Last week I showed you the extremely cool LR/Blog plug-in for Lightroom that allows you to post images directly from Lightroom to your WordPress blog. While the LR/Blog plug-in does exactly what I want it to do when I have a few images here or there to post, I was looking for another solution to post a "gallery" of images. Ideally I wanted to take the photos that I post to and have them displayed on my blog. This would make my life even easier since I can post to Flickr directly from Lightroom 3 anyway.
If you have a Flickr account you can set it up so that you can post a photoset directly from Flickr to your Blog! See an example here. However, there really isn't much control over it and it's IMMEDIATE! The minute I clicked "Post", it made a new blog post and released it without any warning. Again, there is nothing wrong with this and for many this simple solution will be just fine. As a matter of fact I could so see doing this while on the go or when returning from a photowalk and just letting the image rip! However, if I'm writing a more detailed post and I then want to include the images in that post then I require a little more control over layout, delivery and timing.
I started looking a few different WordPress plug-ins. Sadly almost all of them disappointed me in one way or another. Either they didn't allow me to simply choose a photoset (Flickr's term for a gallery) or they looked like crap in terms of display. I settled on Slickr Flickr Pro (at least for now). This plug-in offered the closest set of features to what I was looking for. While it oddly doesn't allow you to specify a particular photoset, it does allow you to select images via Tags. If you want to include a selection of images in a post, just tag them all with the same Tag and Slickr Flickr will use those images.
You can display the images as a gallery (like my Australia Post) or you can make a self running slideshow like my images above. The Pro version allows you to go past the image count limit as well as it offers more customization features and better support. This is not the end all be all solution, but it works for now.
I took the photos above the last time I was here in 2007. I haven't had many photo ops on this visit, but I am looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne, tomorrow!
Australia 2007, a set on Flickr.
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast I'll show you a couple of techniques to use when Photoshop's Content Aware Scale and Content Aware Fill doesn't work. While Content Aware Scale and Content Aware Fill are magical technologies, they don't always work perfectly depending on the image. These tips will help you get better results in those cases!
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. This episode has a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App:
Amazon is running an incredible deal on the full version of Lightroom 3 for 60%! The price today is $119.99. Grab it here
Have a great day! Enjoy your family and friends. Thanks goes out to all of you out there that risk your lives to keep us safe.
I'll hopefully have some more posts this week from the road. Looking forward to seeing you all in Sydney and Melbourne this week!
During our live CS5 Evolution Tour in Istanbul the sound system failed going up to the two people doing the simultaneous translation. I took this opportunity to have a little fun with them and the audience even after the system started working again. At one point I brought up Google Translate and just started typing bits and pieces of my presentation to have it translated for the audience in the meantime.
Enjoy 🙂
Funny Moments #CF-Istanbul 2011 from Hayati ?entürk on Vimeo.
My Sincere Thanks goes out to the people of Moscow for making me feel welcomed and packing the house for our Adobe CS5 Evolution Tour! You guys were very gracious and enthusiastic. I was completely blown away by the laser light show intro (yes the typo in my name was fixed by the time they showed this to the audience):
I was told that if I go to Moscow that it’s a crime not to visit Red Square. Therefore here are my random shots:
[slickr-flickr tag=”Moscow” type=”slideshow” items=”33″ size=”large” width=”650″ height=”488″ border=”on”]
In this episode of the Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast I'll show you how create animations in Adobe InDesign CS 5.5 and then how to convert those animations into HTML 5 to be used on the web or in your interactive digital publications using the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.
See more of my Adobe Creative Suite Videos on my Adobe Creative Suite Podcast and get the App here. It features EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that no one else gets to see. This episode has a BONUS CLIP that is available only in the App:
Although I really like WordPress as a blogging engine, I find the process of uploading and adding images to a post to be a bit archaic. You can style your blog just about any way you want using CSS. You can add video pretty easily from a variety of different sources. However, when it comes to adding images the process is still pretty painful and the one thing I dislike the most when it comes to writing a post. While you can upload multiple images at once using the built-in Flash based uploader, laying the images out one-by-one is tedious. You have to bring up the Import dialog each time. I found the Faster Image Insert WordPress Plugin and that has been a great productivity booster, but alas the process still requires that you prep the images first manually before you even bring up the uploader in the first place. That's where the LR/Blog plugin comes in.
With the LR/Blog Plug-in I can EASILY upload multiple images from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to my blog so that they are ready to insert into my post, directly from Lightroom. Once you install the (Lightroom) plug-in and configure it for your blog (including image dimensions, quality settings, etc.) you can then upload any images from any catalog directly to your blog. If the original images are in RAW/DNG, which most of mine are, the plug-in will do the temporary export to JPG first and upload the JPGs. This is MUCH FASTER than exporting out the JPGs first, then going to the browser and choosing them to upload. Of course it can also use your custom watermarks to watermark the images. Since it's an full fledged Export plug-in you can create one or more Export presets so that you can have a variety of different image export options at a click. Perhaps you like to upload both a thumbnail size and a larger size for people to click on. The plug-in even gives you the option of creating a post at the same time you do the export. With this option the images are not only uploaded, but they are also laid out via your custom HTML template into your post at the same time. Another option in this mode is the ability to insert captions under (or above) your photos from your metadata that you inserted while in Lightroom.
While I don't always have the images that are going into my post in Lightroom, when I do I always use this plug-in to get them to my blog.
You can check out the LR/Blog plug-in here. It's donationware, which I happily donated to the developer!