As much as I love technology, for many artists nothing beats good ole pen/pencil and paper. Sure we can now sketch right on our iPads or draw with a Wacom tablet right on our computers. However, if you just love the feel of paper then you’ll really like the NEW Moleskine Smart Notebook, which is now Creative Cloud connected. The idea is simple, draw with whatever tools you like to draw with in your notebook. Once you have your analog masterpiece on the page, fire up the companion app on your smartphone and capture your drawing. Once you capture it the app will automatically detect the alignment points on the page and align as well as fix the perspective of your drawing in the app. Next you can process the image and convert it to vectors. Lastly with one tap you can upload both the original capture as a JPG and the vector conversion as .SVG which you can open in Adobe Illustrator and edit the vectors.
Rather than continue to describe it, here’s a video from start to finish:
You can get the Moleskine Smart Notebook here.
You can get the companion App here: