Disclaimer – I know that for many of you the first "feature" you would like to see is the iPhone on another carrier besides AT&T. In all honesty that day probably isn’t too far away. The Apple AT&T Exclusive Contract ends in the 2010-2011 timeframe and I’d bet money that we’ll see a 4G Verizon iPhone. So my focus here is not going to be on carrier support.
While iPhone OS 3.0 certainly brought a lot to the table and went a long way towards bringing some long awaited features and capabilities to the iPhone. The over 60,000 available 3rd party apps have also filled in many gaps. Although the 3.0 update makes a great phone even better, the iPhone is not perfect and there is still room for improvement. Also yes I know that there are apps and workarounds for some of the items I’m listing below, but I feel that these features should be BUILT-IN!
So I thought I would start a NEW list of the features and enhancements that I would like to see come in the next major update.
Flash support
This is now my number one feature request. Safari on the iPhone was definitely a breakthrough in web browsing on a smart phone. However, without an Adobe Flash plug-in there are still way too many sites that are inaccessible on the iPhone. Why doesn’t Adobe just do it? The problem is that although 3rd party apps can be written, Safari on the iPhone doesn’t have support of plug-ins. So the ONLY way that the iPhone can get Flash support is with Apple’s help. There, I said it.
Now in no particular order, the rest of my list….
Mail Needs an Overhaul
Unified Inbox
In both Calendar and Contacts, I can either look at a single calendar or a single group of contacts. However, in Mail I can still only look at one inbox at a time. While I can live with that, the back back back method of switching between different email accounts is a pain. If we can’t have a unitifed inbox (like there is in the desktop version of Mail) we should at least have popup menu to easily switch between accounts.
Spam Filter
It would be great to either have a built-in Spam filter or at least allow 3rd parties to create one. My favorite one on Mac OS X is SpamSieve. I’d love to see it as an iPhone app.
Mail to a Group
I have groups of contacts, yet I have no easy way to email to a group other than having to key the names in each time.
Multiple Signatures
It would be great to have multiple email signatures or at least one per account. I do both work and personal email on my iPhone. As it stands now I have to have one generic one.
Mail Rules
All of your mail comes into the Inbox whether you want it to or not. In the desktop version of Mail or Outlook you can set up Rules to automatically file messages, respond to them, mark them as read, etc. I’d like to see Mail Rules in Mail on the iPhone too.
Calendar needs an overhaul too
The built-in calendar is good, but could use a lot of little tweaks.
Custom calendar groups
As it stands now I can either look at one calendar or all calendars. I would like to make my own groups of merged calendars to view.
Meeting Invites
It’s great to be able to invite others to a meeting via the iPhone Exchange support. However, I’m stunned that this is not offered for MobileMe users or iCal users.
Multiple Alarms
Right now you can only set one alarm per meeting. I would like to have at least two. I want to set an alarm 15 minutes before the meeting and one for when the meeting starts. You’d be surprised how distracted I can get within 15 minutes
Although I have a GREAT ToDo app, I’m still shocked that the iPhone doesn’t have native support for the ToDos you create in iCal and Outlook. Of course the iPhone should sync with the ToDos in iCal/Outlook as well and it should do so over the air.
The iPhone should know who I’m talking to
I’ll never forget the very first public iPhone demo in which Steve Jobs was on the phone with Phil Schiller and he wanted to email a photo to Phil. However, he had to look him up in the Contacts. I thought, "shouldn’t you have an option to email the person you’re currently talking with?" Same for setting up a new meeting in the Calendar. It should give me an option to invite the person I’m speaking with.
Ability to Play All Audio Over Bluetooth
If you’re using a bluetooth headset that’s great for phone calls and now music, but there are still other sounds that won’t play over bluetooth such as audio attachments in Mail.
Organize Home Screens in iTunes
Multiple Home Screens are great, however managing them is not. It would be so much easier to allow management of your home screens in the Apps tab of iTunes. Give us a visual way of not only moving icons around, but the re-order of the pages themselves. It would also be a great to have a shelf/dock for temporary placement of icons until you get to the page you want to put them on.
Forward Voicemails as email attachments
The great thing about visual voicemail is that they are actually downloaded to your iPhone as audio files. However, the problem is other than playback you have no access to these files. Often times I’ll receive a voicemail that I need someone else to take action on. Rather than having to transcribe it into an email or call the person and tell them what I need them to do, I’d love to be able to forward the voicemail as both an email attachment and a MMS message.
True Multi-tasking/background processing with 3rd party apps
While most of if not all of the built-in apps can do background processing, 3rd party apps can not. I totally understand the ramifications of the impact on battery life, I would like to see an "option" to allow background processing. This way each of us could decide which is more important, running apps in the background or longer battery life. Look at Push notification for email. When it’s on battery life is less, however you can choose to turn it off and go with Fetch instead.
Turn the iPhone into a Wi-Fi Hotspot
iPhone 3.0 gives us tethering support so that you can use your iPhone’s data connection to get online via your laptop. This support is either though Bluetooth or USB (I can only imagine how this works because I’m on AT&T and, well you know…). However, it’s a one-to-one connection. Only your laptop can access the internet. I would like to simply be able to turn the iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot. Think Mi-Fi. It could be limited to say 3 devices, but this would allow you to temporarily share your 3G data connection with more than one computer. Long term use would be cost prohibitive, but it would be nice to have on occasion.
Ability to Assign Ringtones by Groups
I’ve complained about ringtones for a while now and the good new is that Apple has resolved all my ringtone issues. I can create my own in GarageBand, I’m happy. However, the one thing I would still like to be able to do is to be able to assign them to groups of contacts instead of having to do them individually contact by contact.
Custom Alert Sounds
While custom ringtones are great, I would also like to see custom alert sounds too. Whenever I’m around a group of friends and someone gets an SMS message, we all look at our iPhones. Yes, I know that there are other alert sounds already built-in, but let’s just say they’re not all that great.
Record my screen
In iPhone OS 2.0 we got the ability take screen captures. Awesome for documentation and writing book. On the iPhone 3GS we got a video recorder in the Camera app. In Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard we got the ability to use Quicktime to record our desktops as movies. What I want is to be able to record what I’m doing on my iPhone as a movie. This would be great for doing iPhone tutorials, demos, recording game play, etc.
Wireless Syncing/Backup of Media over Wi-Fi/Bluetooth
It’s great to be able to sync data wirelessly via MobileMe and Microsoft Exchange Exchange, I still can’t believe that there is no option to sync media over Wi-Fi. While you’re at it, it would be great to get 802.11n support. As a matter of fact this would be useful for all iPods. I’ve dreamed of the day when I can pull into my garage, go in the house and once a day on a schedule, my iPod just automatically syncs with my computer in the house. Sorta like Time Machine does backups automatically. You just set it and forget it.
Multiple Voicemail Greetings
Visual Voicemail gives us ONE voicemail greeting. So if you’re in a meeting, out of the office, on vacation, etc. you either have to use one generic message or record a new one each time. I would like to be able to record multiple greetings and simply choose them as needed. Take it to the next level and even allow them to be assigned to specific times. I would love to be able to set my "I’m in a meeting" greeting and then have it expire in an hour and go back to the default greeting automatically.
Editable Photo Albums
As it stands now any pictures you take are added to your Camera Roll. If you want to put those shots in an Album, you must first sync/download them to your computer only to put them in an album and sync them back up. It would be great to be able to add the photos to the Albums on the iPhone right from the iPhone. While we’re at it, let’s have the ability to move, delete, duplicate, etc. photos from one album to another. All of these changes would sync up to your computer the next time you sync.
Slideshows are still in silence
If I play a slideshow on my iPhone and I want music to play in the background it’s a two step process. I first have to start the music in the iPod app and then go back to photos and start the slideshow. It would be great to be able to pick a song or playlist right from within the Photos app.
Assign your own songs as alarm sounds
I use the alarm features of my iPhone all the time. It would be great to be able to select my own music to wake to or remind me of things.
Password Option for the Notes app
Now that I can sync notes from my computer, I use the Notes app on my iPhone all the time. I’d love to use it for notes containing sensitive data, however, I can’t do that unless there’s either a password per note feature or the ability to assign a pin to the app itself. Yes, there are 3rd party Note apps that do this, but I want it built-in!
Notes Syncing over the air? I was elated to finally get the ability to sync Notes from/to my iPhone/Mail. However, I’m a little surprised that Notes doesn’t get the same MobileMe/Exchange over the air syncing that calendars do. Notes already sync to MobileMe. So maybe we’ll see this one sooner than later.
What do you want in the next update?
OK, you’ve read my top wishes above for the next major iPhone OS update. Let’s hear what you would like to see? Comment below…
I would also like to see an option to configure communication profiles. When at home I would like Wi-Fi enabled and Bluetooth disabled. At work I want both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled. But when I’m driving i want Bluetooth enabled, and Wi-Fi disabled.
These three scenarios are repeating every day, and I hate to enable and disable different communication all the time. Sometimes I leave all enabled all day, but I usually run out of battery during a busy day…
Wow…your list is quite comprehensive….now I know so much more that I am missing out on
I can add just a few things to your list (which I like lots of your ideas)…
Regarding Notes (and yes, please add wifi sync!!)
1. Folders or tags rather than one big list of notes to help organize.
2. For 3rd party apps and Notes built in, the ability to edit rich text.
Regarding OS in general:
1. Multitasking between apps seems clunky…hate to admit it, but Palm Pre has a sleek way to handle switching between apps that is better than click Home, click app, click Home, click app…
Nice to dream, but this all might be OS 6.0. I sense a trend with Apple…more releases, more frequent = more money! Not to mention it creates a following of people just yearning for the next release….good marketing I’d have to admit.
I agree with all your ideas, especially with custom alert sounds, ability to use songs as sounds (or at least change the 40 second limit for ring tones…) and editable photo albums.
I would also add the ability to turn off Internet besides Wi-Fi, I hate it when iPhone looses Wi-Fi connection and it opens pages/mail/apps through 3G/Edge, that costs me money obviously.
Oh, and adding IPTC information to photos would also be great, now all photos are naked, almost every camera can make a short copyright note, iPhone should do full IPTC.
Data over edge or 3G is still free (included in base fee-unlimited use), but slower performance.
That depends on where you live. Some markets have relatively restrictive limits on data usage. AT&T subscribers are relatively lucky in that regard.
I want:
1. Verizon
2. Delete all in Mail-so I can read and delete keeping message on computer
3. Projects on iPhone and iCal
4. Tethering
5. Preference for 2 alarms auto with new tasks
You can have 2 alarms in iCal. unlimited like desktop iCal would be nice.
Julie Kiernan
I love that the iphone has full browsing capabilities but it is getting more and more annoying that when I am at a website, the site dummies down the content (as a cellphone site or as a dummy iphone site). I want to ability to be viewed as a computer, not a cell phone to websites.
Intelligent websites pickup what type of browser (IE Mobile/Desktop/Firefox…) So as the web gets smarter, more websites viewed from iPhone will be formatted for iPhone.
But, most sites have the option to view the original… just look for it.
You can test this on http://celebrumors.net
I’d love to be able to sort and organize my apps in a more intuitive way, perhaps with a customizable start screen (news apps, games, ambient sounds, books, online shopping, etc.) And I hope they do away with the page limit… it’s kinda absurd to have to search for my “hidden” apps. If I have the space for them on my ipod I should be able to see their icons!
What about snooze for alarms. That is my biggest problem.
the iPhone does have snooze for alarms. I use it every day (and thus get up late every morning)
I use snooze everyday. Can someone tell me how to cancel snooze once I snooze? I have to turn off the alarm manually to disable snooze.
Sorry, I misspoke. there is no snooze for meeting alarms. Additionally there is no snooze for text messages, voice mails, etc.
LOL>>> What kind of iPhone are you using?
Everything Terry recommended plus the following.
a. Expansion of Apps pages -currently limited to 11 pages of apps. Need to increase that limit.
b. Support for an external keyboard – support for an apple branded foldout bluetooth keyboard for longer typing sessions.
c. A “Snow” iphone OS that is completely re-written so that background processes can be allowed.
d. Better “growl” type warnings when out of 3G range. Need to hold ATT accountable on this one. or a 3G tracker in the OS under settings. Paying for 3g but getting 2G.
e. Mandatory e-book: TheiPhone Tips & Tricks ebook or Terry’s ebook should ship with every iPhone. The iphone is complex. The best $0.99 I paid on the app store was for iphone Tips and Tricks,to learn the intricacies of the phone by reading about it.
f. iphone insurance.(not related to 4.0 OS but very needed – on my 3rd device).
Ring profiles / Location profiles.
I’d like to have more choices than just Ring or Silent.
In my car, I’d like Loud Ring, no vibrate.
In my office, I’d like quiet ring, no vibrate.
In a meeting, I’d like vibrate only.
In a movie, I’d like complete silence. (no ring or vibrate, but phone’s still on so when I check it it’s up to date.)
I’d be able to set different default rings, set whether the phone should use the individual rings assigned to different people or just force it to use a standard ring.
These are just some optional settings that should be programmable via a list of profiles.
And, using GPS or network information, the phone should be able to adjust its profile automatically under programmed circumstances. (In my office building, at home, etc.)
Sorry – I duplicated this below. Must have been commenting at the same time.
1. Alarm should “wake” a powered down iPhone. I switched from Blackberry which has this feature – I thought something was broken in my iPhone when it didn’t do this the first few days I was late for work. Leaving the phone powered on all night is annoying if your “silent” profile still vibrates and wakes you up if you get emails in the nighttime. And also if you are missing your charger the battery required to leave the iPhone on overnight is silly.
2. Additional alert profiles and easy method for switching. This one blackberry does nicely too. For instance I could setup a profile that would only ring the phone after vibrating twice, have a silent one that would not alert anything (useful for meetings), another one that would vibrate on everything 3 times… The list goes on for whatever scenario you can imagine.
3. Unified message box, taking Terry’s inbox another step – include all texts, emails, and even phone log/vmail in one single mailbox.
4. Back to my mac access.
5. Quick reply directly from SMS popups without having to wait for the SMS app to load.
6. Customizable auto-correct list. I really liked this on the bb platform. For instance, when I type with both thumbs and type something ending in “ing” my thumb is too fast and thinks I am sliding from the n to the g, so I constantly am missing the “n” in these words. With a customized list I could fix this easily. Many other applications for this too – like being able to enter short forms and have them changed to longform or dates and phone numbers (typing “ld” (stands for “long date”) would replace with the date and current time)
That’s all off the top of my head.
I love my iPhone. Thanks for putting together this list. I hope Apple reads it. Here’s my additional requests.
1. Longer battery life, PLEASE.
2. More memory.
3. Faster.
4. Less dropped calls.
5. Folders for categories of icons. I have 10 screens and it’s too hard to finds stuff.
6. Tethering
7. Faster backups to itunes. That might be an iTunes issue. 1.0 and 3.0 backup were slow for some reason OS 2.0 was quick and then they changed it.
8. Higher quality photo and video.
9. Add people to my calendar invitation easily
10. Faster downloads
11. Lower cost data plan from AT&T for same service.
12. An ability for the screen not to flip when you tilt the device for reading on your side in bed.
“Reading in Bed Mode”… I can see that right next to Airplane Mode..
I have the same prob.
3, 4, 10, and 11 are at&t’s problem
One more thing….but I guess this has nothing to do with the OS….the ability to carry the iPhone to other countries and legally use it with cell phone services from local companies…
example: I am an American living in Russia. I want to use it with MTC in Russia (possible if I buy the iPhone here for a high price, yes, even legally)…and then also use it in the US when I am there (but without the contract).
In Russia, and most of the world, I can have a SIM card from any company I want, can have multiple phone numbers for different cities (just pop in another SIM to have local calls)….all of this without a contract. The SIM cards are free, just put prepaid time on it and go. I can go from Russia to Ukraine and do the same thing.
But the iPhone is so locked in….therefore I bought a Touch instead and use it as a pocket Mac…but that leaves me with a cell phone not up to speed to the capabilities of the iPhone
Background processing; an easy choice for me.
Not only would that add some strength to some current apps, but could conceivably spur some new innovations in how we use/think of our phone..
If even half of these great suggestions showed up…
it would what? Make iPhone even more awsomer?
But I don’t even HAVE an iPhone. Why?
I’m going to cheat and go back to Terry’s first paragraph.
I can’t AFFORD it! I barely use my cell phone – even when I use it for ALL my calls I don’t go over the minimum and usually not even 1/3 of that. It makes it hard to even justify THAT cost. I would probably be the same with data. Sure, it sounds like I need the Touch. But I really don’t want to carry 2 devices. I would sometimes like to use internet, GPS locations and info etc. But NOT often enough to rationalize the current cost.
Give me a non “unlimited” plan. My same minimal phone minutes, maybe 20 text messages a month. (I haven’t texted anyone yet!) and maybe (just guessing) 20-30 minutes a day of data for 40.00 per month and let me buy my own iPhone.
I really don’t even care if it’s AT&T. (I currently have Verizon.
Why bother posting on this site?
Battery life
and at&T… Get that network working in states like Kansas, Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska, Utah, Oregon and Washington; at least along the interstates.
There are so many little things, where to begin? Perhaps we should separate OS upgrades from application upgrades. There are numerous issues with various applications:
* Mail – functions “poorly” offline (e.g. can’t delete messages)
* Clock app icon or Weather icon – why can’t these change to show the current time or weather?
* Calendar – should work in landscape for a weekly view. Doesn’t allow forwarding of appointments and many more missing functions
* iTunes vs iPod — integrate these 2 apps, and let us manage our podcast subscriptions on the iPhone directly
* Built-in wireless transfer of key information. E.g. allow beaming of contacts, appointments, etc, rather than requiring a purchase of another app.
But let’s focus on the OS for a few minutes. Here are some key issues, things that were solved LONG ago on the old Palm OS:
* Allow apps to access core application APIs. E.g. allow third-party calendar apps to access the built-in calendar data.
* Notification manager – Palm OS had this eons ago. The iPhone is terrible here.
* Unified sync manager (e.g. “Hotsync”) – every app has its own way of syncing data with a desktop, usually using Bonjour or a web server. But if you have 10 apps, you need to sync each manually. Much better to allow plugins to iTunes and then only a single sync is needed (similar to how we currently sync music, calendar, contacts, etc).
* LIMITED background processing. Not every app needs to run in the background, but a few are truly required. E.g. Pandora or AOL Radio. This would also allow for third-party email apps to be written.
Just a start…
I want to be able to print on any (or a) printer on the wireless network I am accessing (with my Touch).
We will need another gig for all the printer drivers out there….
I want the ability to delete email message in one clean shot!!!
For the love of everything that is good; NO FLASH SUPPORT!
Please Adobe (or anyone else) make a tool targeting creative designers that generates standard CSS and HTML. Everything Flash supports today, can be done with CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Only problem is that there are no tools for creative people to leverage the technology.
Right there with you brother!
I desperately need to be able to snooze appointment alarms!
My calendar notifies me of an appointment once, and then that is it?!
I want to be able to be reminded again in 5 minutes or so.
Great blog Terry. Thanks!
Sounds more like you just need an annoying assistant…
Sounds like Peter has an annoying assistant to spare…… if she’s hot , I’ll take her.
is that PC? (pun intended)
1. Flash support
2. Unlock the Bluetooth capabilities (ex. sync with other phones or sync with PC/Mac wireless though that might not be a good idea syncing via Bluetooth as it’s slow and you’ll need it to be near and I’ll probably just charge it instead)
3. Some kind of ability to disable the auto-rotation cause like when I’m reading it while I’m in bed or something (lol that sounded wrong)
4. WiFi syncing (that would be nice) like what Terry said I dream of stepping right in my garage and my iPhone starts automatically syncing again (but wait I use manual syncing…)
Optional: Introduce Video Recording on iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G! Seriously a upgrade from a 2 Megapixel camera to a 3 Megapixel camera isn’t that much and video recording won’t increase by much either… This is Apple marketing BS so they can get more buyers to buy the iPhone 3GS (well it is a awesome device i use to compare it with my iPod touch 2G and then I went and got an iPhone 3G and yeah I found out why people really did upgrade to the iPhone 3GS I though the iPod touch 2G had similar performance to the iPhone 3G but I was wrong…)
Introduce Voice Control on iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G and also Video Editing and the battery percentage
Also smart-clocking (hasn’t really been introduced yet but it’s coming with upcoming AMD Phenom FX processors)… Smart-clocking allows the processor and GPU to think by itself and underclock or overclock when needed (ex. underclock when not in use or idle and overclock when needed for games and multi-tasking or such)
Multi-tasking would be nice but I doubt it will be as good as the Palm Pre’s (the Palm Pre sets a new standard and any lower than how the Pre multitasks IDK…. might not look good or perform as well)
Apps integration with core apps
Ability to reply to messages in-app not requiring us to exit out of our apps
Make backup faster! I mean it backups nothing by the way…. I restored my iPhone 3G like two days ago and I restored to my iPhone 3G backup and it only restored Contacts and recent calls and Settings nothing else? To make it worse the restore took like 2 hours to restore nothing…
IDK if this is only a like it was only me thing or not but the first time I got an iPod (iPod nano 4th Generation 8GB back like in March 09 yeah I know really late) I was in a hurry to connect it to my computer and sync my songs and well as soon as iTunes detected it, it synced my songs in 5 seconds (P.S. I had 250 songs and they’re rap, rock, pop, etc. mostly 3 minute songs). I was like HOLY SH*T! Afterwards it didn’t really sync that fast but still it synced fast
Then I got an iPhone 3G and it backuped really slow and sync slow too…. took each song2-10 seconds to sync and took 10-20 minutes for movies (2 hour movies) to sync (compared to a minute or so on my nano)
Wassup with slow syncing or is it just me?
Also ability to share songs with other iPod touch’s and iPhones like Zune and also ability to trade songs (well IDK about this feature but it would be awesome)
Another thing but this isn’t related to iPhone OS 4.0
Optimize iTunes for Windows it’s kinda (KINDA) slow even on my HP dv7 which are really fast
Also another thing about a different iPod
Can you add apps support for iPod nano (separate from 1G/2G and 3G-5G) and iPod Classic (4G/5G and 6G) and also some kind of game for the iPod shuffle (like a guessing game? requiring a microphone)
I mean there are already apps for the iPod nano and iPod Classic but very limited…. please create somekind of App Store for the other iPods…
I think Voice Dialing via a Bluetooth headset on 2G and 3G is the biggest feature that is lacking. Apple should bring this out simply as a way to support hands free use of the iPhone for safety reason. In fact, I am surprised that they haven’t created their own Bluetooth device.
Zone Recognition!!
Simply the ability to automate settings changes when you goto home, work, abroad in the car… etc.
Auto Respond to SMS!
Every-other phone has it… and Apple has no support in any of their API’s for SMS at all….
Need to be able to respond to txt msg without leaving a app.
A simple way to see that I have messages waiting without a popup. One of the features I miss from my Blackberry is the little LED flashing whenever I had a message and a small icon telling me the number of personal, work, and SMS messages waiting for me without having to unlock the phone. With the iPhone I have to type in my PIN/passphrase to see if I have any messages waiting.
Blackberrry third party developers had even made it possible to change the color of the LED based on the type of message or event received.
need to have a flash for the camera that is why I do not have the phone now
A flash for the camera. the iphone camera sucks in low light.
i would like the ability to turn off the pop up text messages that freezes the screen until you tap cancel. what a pain in the ass this is.
This comment goes out to everyone wanting “FLASH FOR THE CAMERA”…..on the 4.0 OS….
News Flash: A software update is not going to mysteriously build a “FLASHING” device on the iPhone. (At least not until atom stacking / nano technology is introduced to the world) So lay off, and comment on what the blog is about….”The Wish List for the 4.0 OS Update”…..
That is all.
Register as a beta tester and be the first to try iPhone OS 4.0 : http://www.macgeekblog.com/blog/archive/2010/01/03/upcoming-iphone-os-4-0.html
Landscape Home Screen
Simple… You turn over you iPhone, your dock rotates to the botom and you apps are shown in cover flow.
I think it also br nice to have home screen pages or one long home screen that you can scroll throgh.
A semi transparent, black glass key bord.
Themes would be asome.. Settings>Themes>Wallpaper. Settings>Themes>Dock. Just download ’em from the app store or apple.com/downloads/iphone/themes
Alerts window.
When you double tap the ho
e buton insted of just music controls you get a window that gives you all your recent alerts, music control, quick texting, the hole nine and a half yards.
A apple suported screen sharing app.
One thing that I really want aside from Multitasking, background apps running and I hear the UI is gonna get a refresh… but besides all that I want a lockscreen that holds somewhat of a higher purpose. If my phone is locked, and I kinda wake it up before unlocking it and I get an email or whatever, I want to see it there, like Lockinfo on Cydia or Intelliscreen. Those apps are excellent.
I dont think Apple would do that with the 3g or 3gs but maybe the 4g….