2 New Must See Things in Lightroom CC

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We got an update to Lightroom CC on January 27th, 2016 that included a few new features and enhancements. The Big New Feature is the Boundary Warp option for your panorama images. However, there’s another feature you should know about…

What’s New in the January 2016 Update to Lightroom CC?

The other feature is hidden and probably won’t be in the lime light, but it’s a welcomed addition nonetheless. Check it out in this video:

Also be sure to catch me LIVE on Tuesdays and Fridays for my “Terry White Live: The Lightroom and Photoshop CC Show” on Twitch.TV 10AM ET.

3 Replies to “2 New Must See Things in Lightroom CC”

  1. HI, the folder thing. I have that set, but it hasn’t created the folder. Does it not add in the ones already in lightroom mobile on my phone? I’m having problems with finding the iphone images on my windows desktop lightroom.

      1. Thanks, I did get your replay and understood. I am having a thought about it, other than there should be an option to do so.

        All the edits have been sync’ed back to my desktop. If I don’t turn off mobile sync, can I uninstall LR mobile and then reinstall it? Will it then upload all the images that I’m missing. I can deal with the duplicates if that is a concern. There are a couple of images I would like to add up to the desktop, and just adding them to LRM is not sending it up.

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